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Open book
Study in Spain Study in Spain

The Obanos Mystery Play

For two consecutive days in July, the village of Obanos in Navarre, recreates one of the medieval legends surrounding the Way of Saint James pilgrim's route.

The people of Obanos themselves take on the roles of nearly 800 characters in a dramatic re-enactment that sees the streets of the town fill with banners, carriages, swords, shields and costumes that will transport you back in time to the Middle Ages.
The historical re-enactment of the Obanos Mystery Play commemorates the martyrdom of Santa Felicia and the penitence of San Guillén, a story dating from the 14th century and handed down from generation to generation until the first performance in 1965. It is particularly significant due to its association with the Way of Saint James.

General information

To be confirmed   2016
National Tourist Interest

Contact details

 Plaza de los Fueros.
31151,  Obanos.  Navarra.  

+34 948344544
